
Chamomile is derived from the Greek word Chamos (earth) because of the low height of the plant and melos (apple) because the scent of chamomile flowers is close to the blossoms of the apple tree.

Chamomile plant is divided into two main categories, German chamomile (Maricaria recurtita) and Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), both of which are found in our country in wild form.

In our country, German chamomile is known as Shirazi chamomile, and Roman chamomile is known as cow’s eye chamomile.

Greeks and Egyptians used crushed chamomile flowers to treat skin diseases and dry skin caused by dry air.

Chamomile plant has 120 components, one of the most important of which is “Apigenin”, which has anti-cancer properties.

Chamomile helps treat many ailments, including:

  • Common cold
  • Digestive problems
  • diabetes
  • Anxiety and insomnia




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