About Us

Global Health Village of Jofreh Company under the brand name Dever, one of the subsidiary companies under Jofreh Trading Group, which was established with registration number 4118 in 2004 with production, export and import license. This company started its activity in the field of food industry in Italy, focusing on the production and packaging of herbal products, and in 2017, by establishing a factory, an herbal house and a beverage house in Iran and in city of Bushehr, it began its activity with the production of herbal teas, a variety of seasonings and spices that are completely natural and free of any preservatives and artificial flavors. Currently, this company has established active sales branches in Iran, as well as in Belgium, Italy and the United Arab Emirates.

Considering the industrialization of countries and the spread of diseases caused by it, the aim of this collection is to create health-oriented bases and offer our products to create a healthy lifestyle in today’s modern world.

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