
276,500 T2,488,500 T

Pure lavender tea prepared from the highest quality and natural raw materials without preservatives

Reduce heartburn, Relieve muscle spasm, soothing, Strengthens the Digestive System

Lavender: It is native to France and the western Mediterranean Sea and its flowers, leaves and essential oil are used. The relaxing effect of this plant reduces the excessive activity of the nerves and cures nervous headaches and migraines. The combination of lavender’s relaxing and anti-depressant effect improves mood, spirit and creates vivacity. In order to improve sleep problems, you can use a few drops of essential oil (massage), dry flower (in the pillow) or its infusion. This plant is well combined with other herbal medicines that solve sleep problems, especially lemon balm. It also has analgesic, antispasmodic properties and remedies digestive disorders such as flatulence and intestinal irritability, improves muscle pain and cramps, and helps relieve menstrual pain.


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