
199,500 T3,099,480 T

Tihoo herbal drink based on chamomile prepared from the highest quality and natural raw materials without preservatives

Thymes, Chamomile, Mint, Oregano, Damask Rose, Blue persian Borage

Anti Cough, antiseptic, relaxing, Sedative

Tihoo herbal drink from ​​Dever brand is the name of a beautiful bird (Partridge Tiho) and the first Iranian airplane was introduced with this name.

This drink is based on the chamomile plant, and in addition, its ingredients include rosemary, borage, mint, oregano, and thyme.

Tihoo herbal drink has a very strong relaxing and disinfecting properties, and due to its anti-cough properties and purifying the lungs, it will play a significant role in the treatment of corona, colds and flu.

Chamomile: This plant is known as a herbal medicine and has countless healing properties. It is native to Europe and Northwest Asia and is used to treat all kinds of gastrointestinal problems in children, adults and even babies.

Chamomile plant treats everything from stomach pain to weakness of the digestive system and is a suitable medicine for treating digestive inflammation, heartache and stomach acid. It also has antispasmodic properties and is used to treat all kinds of cramps, especially muscle cramps. In addition, as a sedative herb, it helps relieve anxiety and tension that also affects the digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

persian thyme: Although this plant is not included in the group of thymes (Thymus) botanically, due to the fame of this plant as (Shirazi thyme) among Iranians, it is called by the same name everywhere. The effects of this plant are somewhat similar to thyme, but milder.

It is used to treat cough and bronchitis in severe colds. The active ingredients in this plant have an antiseptic effect and remove pus from the throat and lungs. It is also used for purposes such as strengthening the stomach, relieving heart pain and discomfort, and removing stomach stones.

Oregano: This plant grows in wet places and plains, next to streams and springs. In Iran, it is also seen in the northern regions of the country, such as Mazandaran and Gilan.

Oregano has a hot and dry nature and is used to treat colds, fever, cough, indigestion, kidney and liver problems, and headaches. It is also an anti-flatulent and anti-wind agent and prevents atherosclerosis, thus preventing the occurrence of stroke in consumers.


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