
189,900 T3,022,200 T

Vehisht herbal drink based on chamomile and lavender prepared from the highest quality natural raw materials without preservatives.

Lavender, Chamomile, Illicium Verum, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Cardamomum, Marigold

Disinfectants, Memory Booster, Nerve & Digestive System Booster

Vahisht herbal drink is a product of Dever brand, which has Avestan roots and means ordibehesht preserver. This herbal drink is based on chamomile and lavender, and in addition, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, star anise and marigold are also used in its composition. Vahisht herbal drink is rich in antioxidants, as a result, it helps eliminate free radicals in the body and prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors. It also has very strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and strengthens the nervous system, digestive system and immune system. star anise: This plant is native to the southeastern part of China and Vietnam. Star anise is usually used to flavor sweets, drinks and perfumes. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is the main source of shikimic acid, which is used in the production of anti-influenza drugs. This fruit gets its name from the star-like arrangement of its stamens around a central axis and has a licorice-like taste. In traditional Chinese and folk medicine, an infusion of star anise is used to treat respiratory infections, nausea, constipation, and other digestive problems. Studies have also shown that the bioactive compounds in it are effective in treating urinary tract infections caused by various bacteria. Lavender: It is native to France and the western Mediterranean Sea and its flowers, leaves and essential oil are used. The relaxing effect of this plant reduces the excessive activity of the nerves and cures nervous headaches and migraines. The combination of lavender’s relaxing and anti-depressant effect improves mood, spirit and creates vivacity. In order to improve sleep problems, you can use a few drops of essential oil (massage), dry flower (in the pillow) or its infusion. This plant is well combined with other herbal medicines that solve sleep problems, especially lemon balm. It also has analgesic, antispasmodic properties and remedies digestive disorders such as flatulence and intestinal irritability, improves muscle pain and cramps, and helps relieve menstrual pain. cloves: It is native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia and southern Philippines and is cultivated abundantly in Madagascar and Tanzania, which has an important place in traditional medicine as well as in oriental cuisine. This plant is a strong antiseptic that is added to foods to prevent food poisoning and infections. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases such as nausea, indigestion, gas and flatulence. Since this plant has a mild anesthetic effect, by reducing the sensitivity of the nerves inside the intestine, it reduces spasm and helps to treat irritable bowel syndrome. Cinnamon : It is an old spice whose inner bark creates a warm and pleasant taste on the tongue. Recent research has shown that cinnamon, along with insulin, helps regulate blood sugar levels. The stimulating and warming effect of cinnamon has made it a suitable medicine for digestive disorders. It can be used as an infusion to relieve gas and stomach bloating, nausea, indigestion, and also to quickly improve digestive system infections. Cinnamon has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects and acts against the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers (Helicobacter pylon). In addition, it is a very good medicine for diseases such as cough, cold and chest infection.


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